
Archive for September, 2008|Monthly archive page

Simply Mepis 8 is Looking Good

In Computing on September 30, 2008 at 9:08 AM

As some of you know, Linux is what my computers run on, and Simply Mepis is the particular distribution. I have been using Simply Mepis for a number of years, and would not go backwards into a Windows environment for anything. There is no need to, really, as all my computing needs are met in Linux: safe, secure, virus free, and easy to use. For more on Linux, you can read my post Linux – Is It For You?

I have been using the 32-bit version since December 2007, and have been extremely pleased with it. The base install is great, but limited in a few areas. It comes with enough software to get most people up and running in about 20 minutes or so, unless you have to do some partitioning work. If I ever have to reinstall, the whole process is only about 10 minutes or so.

Warren Woodford, the creator of Mepis, has been working hard on the next version of his incredible distribution. Currently, I have version 7.9.8 beta installed on my laptop, and couldn’t be happier with what I see. Everything is working very well, with the exception of the built-in webcam, which I have never used. Sound, wireless, 3-D graphics and more are working just right. Keep in mind, this is still a beta version; when this becomes gold, it will be Mepis 8 and rock solid as usual. Warren knows how to put a Linux distribution together.

Here’s a partial list of programs included with Mepis:

  • – a MS Office replacement
  • Firefox – Browser
  • Thunderbird – e-mail client
  • GIMP – Image editor
  • Amarok – Music player
  • digiKam – Photo management
  • Kopete – Instant messeger
  • Akregator – RSS feed reader
  • Kontact – Personal information manager
  • Kino – Video editor
  • KPDF – PDF viewer
  • More programs than you could possibly use

Linux is highly customizable, too. Switching desktop backgrounds couldn’t be easier. Changing the look and feel is just a matter of firing up the KDE Control Center and changing settings to your heart’s content. I must say, the guys who worked so tirelessly on the new art for the upcoming release of Mepis 8, did an outstanding job. Here’s what the desktop looks like. Don’t like that look? It’s not a problem, as I already mentioned. Change the looks to what you want.

For those of you who have one of the newer iPod Classics, Nanos, iPod Touch or iPhones, you have little recourse for their use in the Linux world. Mepis 8 works well with these devices, though, as I already know first-hand. All I had to do was install a few packages (programs), answer some questions, and now I’m happily using my iPod Classic 80GB Silver, knowing I don’t have to use iTunes or fire up Windows to get the job done. BTW, the two packages are gtkpod and gPodder, which is a media aggregator or podcast receiver/catcher.

I use a package called BibleTime, which is Bible study software. It’s extremely easy to use, and installing is a breeze. If you want to read more about it, look at my post entitled Bible Software for Linux. Admittedly, this is not my favorite software, but it works very well for my purposes. I wish Bible software makers would port some of their excellent products to Linux; that would make me a very happy camper.

This is not meant to be a complete review of Simply Mepis Linux, just a quick overview of the upcoming full release. Mepis 8 appears to working on most cylinders, but, according to the MEPISlovers Forums, there are some bugs. This is completely natural; after all, we are talking about a beta release. On my equipment, this beta is working exceptionally well, and I would not hesitate making it my main system right now. I will wait until Mepis 8 goes gold, which is not that far off anyway.

You should give Linux a try. If you are currently using MS Windows, you should download the .iso image, burn it to a CD, stick it in your optical drive and reboot the computer. You won’t have to install right away, unless you want. This way you can look at Linux and see what it’s all about. There’s more information here. Give it a shot and you’ll probably like what you see.

The IRS and Free Speech – Really?

In A Christian Life, Politics on September 29, 2008 at 5:28 PM

Why is it some people in this great country can say virtually anything they want while others seem to be required to place a bridle firmly in their jaws? Why can some sects of people in this nation spew venom, hate and death threats, while others are not even allowed to voice their opinions in regards to political matters? Why are pastors, who by their very calling are to lead their flocks in their walk with God, not allowed to give advice regarding political candidates?

I know many will say “because it’s the law.” That’s not what I asked, though. Let’s get down to brass tacks: why are some so afraid of allowing pastors to speak their minds? There are a few interesting articles at the American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ) which speak to this very issue. Basically, there is a 54-year-old federal tax law prohibiting religious leaders from exercising their constitutional rights regarding free speech while acting as pastors or heads of religious, tax-exempt organizations.

Guess who brought us the law that infringes on pastors’ constitutional free speech rights? If you guessed Senator Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ), you would have been correct. For information about what happened, you can look at the history of the amendment from Apparently, Senator Johnson didn’t want to adversely affect churches, but it still happened and now the IRS has put a stranglehold on the First Amendment.

According to, the Johnson Amendment was quietly inserted into the tax code in 1954; there was no legislative analysis or debate on the issue. Following is an excerpt from the article by Townhall writer Erik Stanley:

Most scholars recognize that the Johnson Amendment had nothing to do with churches. It was a cleverly designed bill to silence some nonprofit organizations who opposed Lyndon Johnson’s Senate campaign. But that hasn’t stopped activist groups from wielding the IRS weapon to silence churches across the country. The tax agency’s rule is unconstitutional because it muzzles free speech and improperly entangles the state in church affairs.

Please don’t give the ridiculously lame argument about separation of church and state (non-existent). According to David Barton’s WallBuilders site, Thomas Jefferson stressed the fact God, not government, is the source of our rights, and government had to be prevented from interfering with those rights. Two letters written by Jefferson, one to the Danbury Baptists and the other to Noah Webster, confirm his intent regarding his belief government should not interfere with God-given rights. Following is a portion of the WallBuilders article on the subject:

Jefferson believed that God, not government, was the Author and Source of our rights and that the government, therefore, was to be prevented from interference with those rights. Very simply, the “fence” of the Webster letter and the “wall” of the Danbury letter were not to limit religious activities in public; rather they were to limit the power of the government to prohibit or interfere with those expressions.

Pastors should have the right to help their flocks determine which candidate would best fit with their views. Thomas Jefferson knew how important it was for the government to stay out of the pulpit, but there are many today who want to control free speech by hiding behind tax code that should never have been put in place to begin with.

How do you see it?

Gator Football Looks Different

In Sports on September 27, 2008 at 2:39 PM



I know what you’re thinking, the Gators are winning and looking pretty good, and you’re absolutely right. Week after week they have been working steadily while on their way to another division title, then a third national title. It’s never an easy road, but I believe the Gators can manage the task again. It’s hard for any team to excel on both sides of the ball, but the Gators look like they have managed to do just that.

The South Eastern Conference (SEC) is a perennial powerhouse of schools who have the potential to become national title holders in any given year. As of this writing, there are six SEC teams in the top 25: Georgia (3), Florida (4), LSU (5), Alabama (8), Auburn (15) and Vanderbilt (21). That’s pretty impressive by anyone’s standards, don’t you think? Some would argue the SEC is the best conference in college football, and there seems to be a lot evidence in favor of that statement.

In order for the Gators to run the table, we’ll have to go through some pretty rough terrain. The Ole Miss Rebels come to The Swamp today, and that’s not going to be an easy game. There’s no doubt in my mind about the Gators winning, though. There is so much talent and drive in the SEC, that several of the teams could actually compete for the national title and win. This is one tough conference, so Florida has a lot of work in store before claiming the two titles: conference then national. It can be done, though.

For anyone interested, here’s the Gator schedule; you can see we’ve got a tough one. I would just about match our schedule with anyone’s in the country.

Here’s what’s so different this year: we have a good offense, and a good defense to supplement it. Another way to look at things is we have a complete package this year. I have heard many people bemoan the fact we’re not getting 50-60 points per game, and that’s certainly true. I would rather keep plugging away like we are than losing any games. Sure, it’s not quite as exciting as watching Tim Tebow put up ridiculously high numbers like last year, but what we’re doing can possible bring another championship to Titletown.

Our defense is looking good, and have done a superb job stopping the run this year. Teams just aren’t getting high numbers against this stingy defense, and that works in our favor. Special teams are playing at a high level, too.

When you put the whole package together, we have a very good team in all areas of the game. I know we look different compared to last year, but that’s perfectly alright with me. Keep winning like we have been, and it looks like we will upset the doubters. Different is not always a bad thing.

What do you think? Do the Gators look like they can bring another title home, or do you think they will fold during the season?

The Coldest I’ve Ever Been

In Sports on September 26, 2008 at 9:18 PM

Are any of you happy to see cooler weather coming our way? There’s no doubt about it, summer is going away and will be replaced with cooler weather. That’s a wonderful realization for me and scores of others who are weary of high temperatures and humidity. I’ve heard people quip “I can take the heat; it’s that humidity that gets you.” Well, now, what if you have both of them? Bring on the coolness.

Have you ever been cold? I don’t mean windbreaker cold or flannel shirt and coat weather, either. What I mean is down to your bones cold, so cold you would like to stick your hand in a fire to get some heat. Bone-chattering cold; it can’t get any colder type of cold. So cold you have to put your frozen words in the campfire in order to hear what you said. Anyway, you get the picture.

Granted, many of you can tell of experiences you’ve had that make mine look tame in comparison, but I’ve got to tell you something you are going to find hard to believe. I’ve lived in Illinois, Texas, Germany, along with other places, too, and have seen some pretty intense cold. There were times during those years when snow would be piled above the top of the doors and it would be difficult to get around. That’s definitely heavy coat weather, to me, anyway.

The coldest I’ve ever been was right here in central Florida way back when I was in high school. You don’t need to know the year, it’s not that important. We did have running water, electric lights and indoor plumbing at the time, so it wasn’t that long ago.

I still remember the whole experience, not every detail, but enough to recall the good times had by all during our little adventure. Times were much more carefree back then, and I sometimes find myself longing to relive those days again. They are gone and it’s time to set our course toward heaven, awaiting the arrival of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. There are plenty of experiences yet to enjoy in this life, so let us go on with a purpose.

It was cold on that afternoon when several of us high school friends decided it was time to go duck hunting, and we knew just the right spot. If memory serves correctly, there were four of us in that little john boat. The wind was whipping pretty briskly, and the temperature was below freezing, so that made for quite a combination. The clouds were nasty looking, and I still don’t know what we had in our minds to be where we were at the time.

We all had our shotguns and just knew we were going to “bring home the bacon”, so to speak, but it was supposed to be duck. Some of the guys were good outdoor types who knew what they were doing. This was my first duck hunt, so I wasn’t sure how to handle the whole situation. Anyway, there I was in the john boat, shotgun in hand, and away we went.

Some birds flew near, and we killed a few, putting them in the boat for later. The thought of duck cooking in the oven was something we could all sink our teeth into. All of us downed a few, and then we thought it was time to call it quits for the day. Just about that time, the wind really started picking up, and that little john boat got hard to control. It was already nasty, cold, damp, windy and the weather seemed to be getting worse every second.

In an attempt to get to the shore, we began rowing with all we had in us. Did I mention how bad the weather was? All of a sudden, a big gush of water soaked me from my head to my feet and I almost turned into a block of ice. I know, I know, it’s Florida and not supposed to get cold. Florida just didn’t know that and decided to pull a fast one. I have never been so cold in all my life. Does the word brrrrrrrr mean anything to any of you?

What about you? Would you please tell of your coldest experience, when and where? I think it would be interesting.

Will the Real Leader Please Stand Up?

In Politics on September 24, 2008 at 11:20 PM

While watching Fox News this afternoon, I heard something that was quite astounding: Senator John McCain is going to stop all advertising, fund raising and other campaign events and return to Washington to work for a bipartisan solution to the current economic crisis. I certainly commend him for pursuing this course of action and hope members on both sides of the aisle can work together for the good of our nation.

According to The Washington Times, the Illinois senator wants to continue with the scheduled Friday night debate. During a news conference in Clearwater, Florida, Senator Obama reacted to Senator McCain’s announcement with this comment: “It’s going to be part of the president’s job to deal with more than one thing at once.” Yes, it will be, but neither of you is president, and the country needs someone who will put country ahead of politics. Senator McCain’s adviser Mark Salter said the debate would go forward if a bill is passed by Friday morning.

Some think the move by Senator McCain was motivated strictly for political gain, as he has fallen behind the Illinois senator by a 45-39 margin. This information comes from a Fox News Poll released Wednesday, September 24. Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid told reporters Senator McCain “is trying to divert attention from his failing campaign.” Yes, that sounds like wonderful support when something needs to get done. I should not be surprised to hear a comment like that. According to Politico, New York Senator Charles Schumer told CNN that McCain’s suspension of his campaign was “weird and odd.”

It seems the Democrats will not be satisfied with Senator McCain, no matter what he does. Our country is facing another crisis like the one we faced seven years ago when terrorists attacked the sovereignty of our great nation. Leaders from both parties came together to get essential work done, and it needs to happen again. I believe party-line bickering needs to end so the good of the nation can be addressed in a timely and professional manner. What do you think?

I don’t know the outcome of the next week, month or year, but one thing I do know for sure is the fact our people need to our hearts to God again. It is my opinion our great nation has fallen a long way from the Godly principles first instilled in us so many years ago. While I do not believe all hope is gone, I do believe America is facing desperate times like she never has before. Instead of pushing God out of every area of our lives, we need to cry out for His mercy and grace during this time of turmoil. The Word of God declares in Proverbs 14:34 “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”

Real leaders come in all shapes and sizes. I still recall watching President Bush standing with brave firefighters and declaring terrorist actions would not go unpunished. I see leaders such as Sir Winston Churchill standing up against a ruthless enemy during World War II. King David led his people to many victories and established a great nation. No one knows for sure everything about Senator McCain’s actions today, and we may never know. I am certain, however, he showed real leadership today as he put politics aside, if but for a short while, in order to devote precious time to fix an economic crisis.

We need leaders who will work in our nation’s best interest. Let the real leader please stand up.

An Obama E-Mail – Is It True?

In E-Mail Tidbits, Politics on September 23, 2008 at 5:46 PM

It is no secret to anyone reading this blog how I stand firmly against Senator Obama’s bid for presidency. It is my opinion he is a dangerous man and would, if elected, do more harm than good because of his distorted views on a variety of subjects. Much of what has been said about this man is true, and much of it is false; it is difficult to distinguish between the two.

While I do not support the Obama/Biden ticket, and wish others would have the sense not to either, it is not my wish to spread untruths about any of the candidates. Wouldn’t it be wonderful for each candidate to speak to the issues while not destroying opponents in the process? That is quite a lot to hope for, especially in this election cycle. Mudslinging has risen to new heights, or lows, depending on how you view the situation.

Since the announcement of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as Senator John McCain’s running mate, we have endured the most vile, vicious, insidious and disgusting attacks of any presidential campaign. The left has not run a decent campaign; they continue pushing the envelope on what most rational people would consider over the line. Honestly, Governor Palin’s family should be off limits to verbal attacks and jabs; they are not running for office. The Palin family is a typical one with faults and failures, to be sure. Leave them alone.

The reason for this post is a desire to voice my opinions about an e-mail received this morning. It’s one that’s been circulating around for a while now, and casts the Illinois senator in a bad light. Trust me, he doesn’t need an e-mail full of false and misleading statements to highlight his inadequacies and dangerous agendas. This e-mail is probably old news to many of you, but it is new to me, so please bear with me.

After reading through the comments in the e-mail, something didn’t seem right. Although the content sounded right, I just didn’t feel comfortable with the wording. I decided to do some investigating and did a Google search. Two sites confirmed my suspicions regarding the content of the noted e-mail and have plenty of documentation to refute what was said. The first site I visited was A reader asked a question about the same correspondence I received, and here it is:

Q: Did Obama write that he would “stand with the Muslims” and that he nurses a “pervasive sense of grievance and animosity” toward whites?
Can you guys provide some context to this e-mail. Not sure if you have already but thought I would pass it along. Thanks.

Basically, the answer can be summed up as follows:

A: No. A widely circulated e-mail fabricates some quotes from Obama’s books and twists others.
Anyone looking for Barack Obama’s real sentiments about whites, blacks and Muslims won’t find them in this scurrilous collection of falsified, doctored and context-free “quotations.” The e-mail claims to feature words taken from Obama’s books, “The Audacity of Hope” (2006) and “Dreams from My Father” (1995, republished in 2004). But we found that two of the quotes are false, and others have been manipulated or taken out of context.

The second site I looked at was – In His Own Words. It basically says the same thing as the first site – the e-mail is full of distortions and devoid of context. Please take a moment to look at the sites and draw your own conclusions. Do we really know for sure about the Illinois senator, Barack Obama? When it’s all said and done, I believe there is much we don’t know, and can’t count on our biased left-wing media to dig into the matter.

For once, I would like to see our media give the same amount of scrutiny to the Obama/Biden ticket as we have seen with McCain/Palin. What can be said regarding Senator Obama’s ties to questionable characters and his overly fast rise in political circles? Why is Hollywood so madly in love with him? There are more questions, but they will have to wait.

Forty Nights of Prayer – The Conclusion

In A Christian Life on September 22, 2008 at 11:57 AM

What an incredible journey our little church has been on for over a month. Our last meeting was last night, and it was incredible, to say the least. The presence of the Lord was in our house, and we were blessed beyond measure. In case you haven’t been following along, I have written several articles about our prayer initiative and the experiences we’ve had along the way.

Three times during our forty nights, I asked some pointed questions about the journey. What do you want to receive from this experience? What do you expect? What do want the Lord to do? Good questions, and the answers were insightful. Some stated they didn’t want this journey to end, and that really touched my heart in a positive way.

A few nights before the conclusion of this part of the journey, we had another question and answer session. Let me tell you, the answers were more mature, and there a sense God was making a change in all of us. Listening to what they had received and how they expect God to continue the work He began in them was uplifting and encouraging.

Last night, the conclusion, was highlight of the forty night journey. It was a typical Sunday night crowd in a small church; the regulars came and the numbers looked pretty good. As we began the meeting, I gave a summary of the journey and encouraged everyone to continue in prayer because that is our strength. Most of my people stayed at home during the nightly meetings, but there was a small core that came nearly every night.

We then had our youth perform a couple of dramas, and they were so good. Looking around, I saw hands raised in worship, and heard voices lifting up the name of Jesus. Really, it was a time of praise to the only one worthy of praise – Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. Our youth performed in front of about 12,000 people at The Zellwood Sweet Corn Festival in Zellwood, Florida, so getting up in front of our people on Sunday night was no big deal. They performed their dramas before heavy rains came and Michael W. Smith had to cancel. As they ministered, you could sense a move of the Spirit of God as tears began streaming down their faces. The Lord really used them last night to minister to everyone in a powerful way.

Before we all began praying, I gave one more opportunity for people to comment on the journey we have just been through. I was so pleased with the answers; so thrilled the people understood what the Lord was doing in us. You see, we came to the realization God’s intention wasn’t to shower us with lightening bolts, angel visits, or water coming out of the wall, which He could have easily done. No, His intention was to help us grow by changing our hearts and perceptions. There were time of refreshing and some pretty amazing things the Lord did during our times of prayer, but most importantly, He changed us.

It is amazing to think of the number of flyers, postcards, and ads I’ve seen over the course of the last month or so regarding extended prayer meetings. Honestly, I had never noticed them before the Lord put into our hearts the need to meet like we did. Apparently, there is a prayer awakening in America; God is calling us to prayer, and we need to get on our faces before a loving God in order to cry out for this great nation. God is calling His saints to pray like never before: millions are dying and are on their way to a devil’s hell, and the church must take the brakes off.

We will continue meeting once a week for prayer, but the people haven’t told me what night they prefer. The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. In other words, have an attitude of prayer all the time.

What about you? Will you join us for prayer?

Words, Bias and a Carpenter’s Son

In The Pastor's Blog on September 21, 2008 at 9:35 PM

The conventions are over, and much news has passed under the proverbial bridge over the last several weeks. There have been disastrous hurricanes, flooding, investigations, accusations and a host of other things to keep our minds occupied during this election cycle. One thing I can say without hesitation is how mean-spirited some people in our great nation can be. It’s perfectly acceptable to have open-minded debate, but to be so vile and nasty is uncalled for by rational people.

Recently, Senator Barack Obama was compared to Jesus, who, according to this Fox News article Tennessee Representative Steve Cohen compared Senator Obama to Jesus Christ and Governor Palin to Pontius Pilate; he said Senator Obama was a community organizer like Jesus. Really? I didn’t know my Lord and Savior was a community organizer. Though community organizers likely do wonderful work, they are certainly not worthy to be compared to the Son of the living God.

Did you really catch what Representative Cohen said? As he turned from the podium to walk away, I got the sense he thought he had made an invaluable contribution to the Obama/Biden ticket. I’m quite sure he felt good about his remarks and good about his far-fetched comparisons. It is not entirely clear to me, however, if he thought those remarks through before embarrassing himself in front of other members of the house.

To bring Jesus down to our level is the work of those who do not honor God or His Son. Jesus is my Lord and Savior; He is my rock, shield, fortress, strength, friend that sticks closer than a brother, soon coming King, creator, healer and Holy Ghost baptizer. There is none like Him; He is above all gods, and is Lord of all. Look what John wrote in John 1:1-5:

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

Other scriptures referencing the fact Jesus is the Son of God:

  • John 20:31 But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name.
  • II Corinthians 1:19 For the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was preached among you by us, even by me and Silvanus and Timotheus, was not yea and nay, but in him was yea.
  • Galatians 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
  • Hebrews 4:14 Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession.

It is a far stretch, indeed, to equate Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to Pontius Pilate, who was also a governor. To be sure, she is a governor, but is not a ruler from an occupying nation. The last time I checked, Alaska is one of our fifty states. The word governor in reference to Pontius Pilate means: a leader of a province, or a ruler.

I suppose a comparison could be made in one sense, though. Pontius Pilate’s wife told him not to have anything to do with the death of Jesus Christ, and Pilate listened to her wisdom. The Word of God declares in Matthew 27:19 “When he [Pilate] was set down on the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying, Have thou nothing to do with that just man [Jesus]: for I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him.” Brackets are mine for clarity. Pilate wanted to release Jesus in order to save His life. Governor Palin is a wise governor, desirous of making wise decisions that affect the lives of people she governs.

While at the doctor’s office last week, I happened to find the September 8 edition of Newsweek magazine. There’s a wonderful picture of Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin on the cover. On page 10 is the Conventional Wisdom Watch section. I was astounded by what the graph showed. I want you to look at the chart and see if you agree with me: there seems to be a certain blindness when it comes to the Illinois senator. I do believe Newsweek got the part about Governor Palin all wrong. It should have read next to her, the Illinois senator has no experience. What was said about Mrs. Obama’s speech was completely uncalled for. In other words, if you have reservations about her, you must be a bigot.

Conservatives are not shown the same respect as those on the left, and it can clearly be seen if we would but open our eyes. What do you think?

Changed by the Power of God

In A Christian Life on September 19, 2008 at 12:52 AM

Since the first post on this excellent forum called a blog, I have been searching for just the right look; the theme has changed more times than I can count, and probably will change again. I believe the current setup Digg 3 has lasted longer than the other ones, though. Have you changed your blog’s looks more than a few times?

After coming home from our prayer meeting tonight, I began thinking about this very subject, and wondered if there might be some other application for the reality of change. For instance, we live in a changing world, and we are constantly undergoing change, both in our physical bodies and in our spirits. Our great nation is changing; the world is changing. Take heart, because God does not change.

After reading blogs for only a short period of time, I have come to a brilliant conclusion: blogs reflect the personality of the people who write them. I know that is basic, and perhaps a bit simplistic, but it appears to be true. The appearance of my blog, and what I write certainly reflect who I am, and what I want people to get out of a visit here. The same can most surely be said of scores of others sharing in this remarkable form of communication.

The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 12:1-2 “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” The word transformed means to change, transfigure, transform. When we come to Christ for salvation, we begin a life of transformation; we don’t stay the same. Thankfully, we grow into mature Christians by the help and grace of God. II Corinthians 3:18 declares “But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.”

I am not satisfied with myself; there is more work to be done in me. Like Paul, I am pressing toward the mark. The highest calling any of us can have is to become sons and daughters of Almighty God, being fashioned by His hands of mercy and grace. Just like changing a simple thing like a WordPress theme, I must ever change and be pliable in the hands of a loving and wise God.

One of my favorite portions of scripture is found in Jeremiah 18:1-6, and I present it to you for consideration:

1 The word which came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying, 2 Arise, and go down to the potter’s house, and there I will cause thee to hear my words. 3 Then I went down to the potter’s house, and, behold, he wrought a work on the wheels. 4 And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it. 5 Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 6 O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the Lord. Behold, as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel.

My prayer is for the Lord to mold me however He sees fit. I have found myself falling off the potter’s wheel from time to time, and know that’s a dangerous position to be in. How about you, do you need to change? Do you find yourselves way too satisfied?

Lord, help me to reflect you in my life, and change me by your great power.

Offshore Drilling, Perhaps

In Politics on September 16, 2008 at 5:30 PM

According to this article by AP writer H. Josef Hebert, the House has begun moving toward a vote that would end a drilling moratorium on offshore drilling that has been in place for more than a quarter century. This should have been done years ago, but it has consistently been blocked, for some unknown reason.

What we don’t need is a limitation on where we are allowed to drill. Many Republicans are displeased with the Democratic proposal because most of the offshore drilling sites would be out of bounds; we would not be much better off by their proposal. Drill now, even though experts agree oil production will not happen immediately.

According to an article in the International Herald Tribune, there is an enormous amount of oil and natural gas reserves just 50 miles off the coast of Florida. 60% of Floridians advocate offshore drilling. That’s a pretty significant jump. High gas prices will make you think about your priorities. Here’s an excerpt:

An increasing number of Floridians side with McCain when told that the candidate advocates expanded drilling to drive down prices, said Brad Coker of Mason-Dixon Polling and Research in Washington. According to a Mason-Dixon poll conducted over the summer, at least 6 in 10 Floridians now support drilling.

The Democrats are crafty folk, and want to make their efforts look good to the American people, but they are just throwing us a bone. An article in the Dallas Morning News states the Democrats hope to tie new drilling to measures that would strip oil companies of tax breaks and require electric utilities to use more wind and solar power. Here’s a snippet of the article:

Democrats hope to put Republicans on the spot by tying new drilling to measures to strip oil companies of billions of dollars in tax breaks and to require electric utilities to use more wind and solar power – President Bush has repeatedly threatened to veto.

Ms. Pelosi also has crafted the bill carefully to limit new offshore production. Waters within 50 miles of shore would be off-limits. States could choose to drill between 50 and 100 miles but wouldn’t get a share of oil royalties for taking the environmental risk.

What do you think? Should we drill now? I don’t want to give the impression drilling is the only solution, though. It would be in our country’s best interest to pursue other forms of energy: solar, wind, and other forms coming on-line now. It will take a concerted effort to bring relief to Americans in this time of high gas prices. Don’t laugh, but I am of the opinion gas could be sold for $1.00 per gallon, and the gas companies would still be making a profit. That’s just me, though.