
Personal Goal – Daily Bible Reading

In Goals on July 1, 2008 at 11:42 PM

One of the greatest things the Church of God has ever been involved with is called the “Covenant Pastoral Leadership Development Initiative”.  One aspect of the initiative is to form “Pastoral Covenant Groups” (PCG), which are led by designated facilitators.

In my particular group, there are about six other pastors who have joined together in a covenant relationship with each other.  It is not a program handed down from the top brass; rather, according to Dr. James P. Bowers, Executive Director, Center for Pentecostal Leadership, it is a process that brings “pastors, congregations, and denominational leaders together to support pastoral excellence.”

One part of the PCG process is to make and assess personal goals. We help each other to be accountable, and encourage those in covenant to reach their own goals, and even stretch out toward new goals. What a wonderful idea – fellow pastors helping each other, not competing with each other.

A personal goal of mine has been to read God’s Word for me, for my enjoyment and growth. Many of you pastors, teachers and evangelists can relate to the fact that much of your reading is geared toward preparing sermons, messages and teachings. You can’t give out what you don’t have in you!

With the help of one of my facilitator friends, Pastor Jim Hull, I finally took hold of the goal and made it a part of my life. After quite a bit of searching the internet using Google, I came across a Daily Bible Reading Plan, from Homeschool World. It’s a great tool, and stays tucked into one of my Bibles for daily reading.

Because it’s so important, I have really been pushing Bible reading lately at the church I pastor. My people have really taken up the charge, and are doing quite well. It’s especially thrilling to see young people begin a daily reading plan.

What about you? If you are not reading God’s Word regularly, you are missing out on so much the Lord wants to show you. Our strength comes from the Word of God; we are helped and encouraged by it’s glorious pages. Will you read God’s Word today like never before?

  1. […] Back to the question of what you’re doing today. Our Pastoral Covenant Group (PCG) will gather today at the church I pastor for our monthly meeting. We have an interesting topic planned, which deals with feeding the hungry. Basically, it’s the nuts and bolts of a program we pastors can implement in order to help hurting people. You can read a little more about the PCG here. […]

  2. […] Back to the question of what you’re doing today. Our Pastoral Covenant Group (PCG) will gather today at the church I pastor for our monthly meeting. We have an interesting topic planned, which deals with feeding the hungry. Basically, it’s the nuts and bolts of a program we pastors can implement in order to help hurting people. You can read a little more about the PCG here. […]

  3. […] weeks ago, I was at a revival meeting in a church whose pastor is a member of my Pastoral Covenant Group. It was a great service, and the Spirit of the Lord was moving in a special way. When it came time […]

  4. […] and I am grateful beyond words. It is now the version of choice for my daily Bible reading (here and here), and has become the one I preach from most often. Thank you, Mark, and others on his blog […]

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