
Archive for November 24th, 2009|Daily archive page

We’re Better Than This, Mr. President

In E-Mail Tidbits, The Pastor's Blog on November 24, 2009 at 7:24 AM

Someone sent an e-mail to me recently, and I thought it was pretty funny at first, but on further consideration, I couldn’t help being embarrassed. In the midst of all the things gone wrong, the supposed health care crisis, fake global warming, and all the other catastrophes the current administration doesn’t want to waste, I find it distasteful to see and hear of our president lampooning our country’s exceptionalism and spirit.

While President Obama should be thankful for the capitalist nature of our society, it seems he takes choice opportunities to criticize its virtues while attempting to lower our values and standards. It seems he wants us to be on equal footing with the rest of the world. By God’s amazing grace and power, we are exceptional, and we should never forget what brought us to this point. It certainly wasn’t our own greatness; it was the grace of God.

I believe many of the people who voted for the president are waking from their sleep and beginning to see right through the catastrophe they created. Let’s hope so, anyway. Let us never again fall into a place where we think the only hope we have is the type of person who currently resides in the White House. What a mess! How’s that hope and change working out for you?

Our only real hope lies in the promises of God’s word. Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God, is our hope, and if we allow him to, he will change our lives for our good. We are better than what we have seen recently; our hope isn’t about us and we can’t fix our problems by ourselves. The whole world needs Jesus. Isn’t it time to pick ourselves up by our boot straps and run to Calvary?